Dermatological (skin) diseases are one of the most common problems of small animals that cause their owner to visit a veterinarian.
We currently recognize several hundred skin diseases in dogs and cats. Often these diseases have a similar clinical picture with very slight differences. They are not easy to diagnose, and treatment is long-term, which can be very frustrating for the owner and financially expensive in the long run.
Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases requires absolute trust and cooperation between the owner and veterinarian.

We perform diagnosis and treatment of
- Parasitic and fungal diseases
- Bacterial and yeast conditions of the skin
- Acute and chronic complicated ear diseases, including surgery
- Allergic diseases – contact, atopic dermatitis, etc.
- Autoimmune and other immune-mediated diseases
- Skin neoplasms
- Endocrine diseases manifesting on the skin
- Diseases of the nails and nail beds and anal sacs
- Pigmentation and keratinization disorders
Diagnostic methods
a) skin scraping - this is a basic diagnostic tool performed routinely for all itchy disease. It can be used to detect a number of parasitic diseases. A scalpel blade is used for the scrape, with which we obtain a sample of the surface or deeper layer of the epidermis. The sample is placed in an oil layer on a slide and viewed under a microscope
b) touch imprint - we mostly use this method to confirm a bacterial or yeast infection
c) fine-needle aspiration biopsy - samples from formations on the skin can be taken with a needle; this method is used to diagnose skin tumors
d) adhesive tape - with an adhesive tape imprint in the fur we can diagnose Cheyletiella or yeast infections
e) trichoscopy - a method that can differentiate some itchy diseases, fungal infections and pigmentation defects, and it can be used to assess the growth phase of hair
f) microbiological culture - used for deep inflammation of the skin, fistulas, recurrent infections
g) DTM and fungal cultivation - a special soil that allows us to identify fungal pathogens. If fungus grows in the soil, subsequent typing of the pathogen in the laboratory is necessary, as saprophytic (contaminating) fungus can also grow in the soil
h) allergy tests - we perform serological tests for allergies in cooperation with the Laboklin laboratory (Germany)
i) biopsy - we take biopsy samples of neoplasms when autoimmune diseases, keratinization defect and others are suspected
We send the biopsy for review to MVDr. Jan Rybníček DipECVD.
Dermatological diagnosis requires a very detailed history, clinical examination, sampling and subsequent consultation. Please, book an appointment in advance.
The first dermatological consultation is 60 minutes long.
If you have been in treatment for some time, please bring all the documents regarding previous examinations and medications, including the feed and antiparasitics you are using.