Internal medicine deals with non-surgical treatment of patients. This is not just treatment of internal organs, but of the whole animal.
When internal diseases are diagnosed, we proceed from the anamnesis (history) of the patient, through a basic clinical examination to a deeper examination of individual organ systems. This is where laboratory examination of blood and urine, ultrasonography of the abdominal or thoracic cavity and radiology come into the picture.
During a sonographic examination, we can take samples using fine-needle aspiration and then examine them microscopically.
- Urology
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- Gynecology
- Hematology
- Infectious diseases
- Cardiology – cardiology service is provided by MVDr. Denisa Bláhová (VETCENTRUM)
V oboru neurologie provádíme základní diagnostiku a následně pacienta odesíláme na CT nebo MRI vyšetření ke specialitům. Následná péče a medikace už probíhá opět u nás.
V oblasti onkologie spolupracujeme s předními odborníky.